Sunday, February 22, 2009

my current work

My current work....elaborate collages/ocd obsession with cutting jewelry out of bead distributing magazines when deep in thought.

I know there is a deeper meaning behind the design since all of my work tends to have the same order and distracted composition, but I've yet to figure it out. Well actually, another series I've done, but in wet chalk pastel on arches, was based on what i call, "organic conception." My idea of what happends artistically when human organisms group together to create individual identities, the biological make-up of any living thing, making it truely unique and....overwhelming.

I guess I can see pretty much the same characteristics in these new collages. First time I've come to this realization. Very interesting.


  1. i love that collage! it hit me straight away!

    its like in the centre there's a winding snake, weaving between these great circular, well patterned masses, with eccentricities filling the void between...

    perhaps a subliminal reflection on your life, you being represented by the snake like entity, winding between conventions, meeting eccentricities along the way, all combining to create an entire beautiful life...

    or maybe i'm just a nutter?
