Sunday, May 3, 2009


I probably crochet more than the average cool person my age. I don't really care, it's my therapy. I've been crocheting since I was pretty young and ever since than, I'm always starting new projects and never really finish them. I save them all. So pretty much I have duffel bags full of random pieces that I made that were supposed to be part of a blanket at some point or a scarf or some weird accessory, but never reached it's completion. A few weeks ago I decided to try to use them and incorporate them into a painting by adhering the scarps to the canvas in a balanced composition, gessoing the whole thing, and painting over it with cool earthy tones and gold. Turned out pretty sweet. I might be on to something. I have enough crochet pieces to create a series. It has a similar look to other things I do but the series is still unfortunately nameless. I know there is some sort of conceptual content in there somewhere....just haven't figured it out yet.

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