Sunday, May 3, 2009


I probably crochet more than the average cool person my age. I don't really care, it's my therapy. I've been crocheting since I was pretty young and ever since than, I'm always starting new projects and never really finish them. I save them all. So pretty much I have duffel bags full of random pieces that I made that were supposed to be part of a blanket at some point or a scarf or some weird accessory, but never reached it's completion. A few weeks ago I decided to try to use them and incorporate them into a painting by adhering the scarps to the canvas in a balanced composition, gessoing the whole thing, and painting over it with cool earthy tones and gold. Turned out pretty sweet. I might be on to something. I have enough crochet pieces to create a series. It has a similar look to other things I do but the series is still unfortunately nameless. I know there is some sort of conceptual content in there somewhere....just haven't figured it out yet.

an addition to the organic conception family

Not really finished yet, but close. The Bottom right corner is a little nakey still. I seem to only work on these collages when I have a lot on my mind....maybe that means I haven't had a lot on my mind lately? Not thinking, not sure if that's a good thing or bad thing. Anyway, this is the latest collage in the making.

experimental cooking

I do it a lot....cook weird things just to see if it turns out. It's a plus when in tastes good. The picture doesn't look very appetizing, but it is.

Recipe for Green Chili French Toast (minus the Cinnamon and syrup):

Ingredients: Bread, left over homemade green chili, egg, cheese.

Preparation: Mix one egg with about 1/2 cup green chili. Dip and cook just as you would with regular french toast. Instead of syrup, cover with more green chili and a little cheese. It's genius what can I say.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

my current work

My current work....elaborate collages/ocd obsession with cutting jewelry out of bead distributing magazines when deep in thought.

I know there is a deeper meaning behind the design since all of my work tends to have the same order and distracted composition, but I've yet to figure it out. Well actually, another series I've done, but in wet chalk pastel on arches, was based on what i call, "organic conception." My idea of what happends artistically when human organisms group together to create individual identities, the biological make-up of any living thing, making it truely unique and....overwhelming.

I guess I can see pretty much the same characteristics in these new collages. First time I've come to this realization. Very interesting.

25 random things

1. My mom is my best friend. She’s knows literally everything about me. Guy stuff, friend stuff, you name it.
2. I often stay in on the weekends to hang out with my family and do nothing, really.
3. When I was in kindergarten, I got in trouble for selling drawings at recess for a penny.
4. I love to shoot guns, and have a pretty good shot. Its the only thing I brag about.
5. I had to get braces when I was 9 because my teeth were so bad. mean kids at school called me carrot sticks because of my huge buck teeth.
6. Nothing gives me more of a rush than washing my face with cold water.
7. My brother and I still act like we’re 5 when we’re together. He tries to annoy me and gross me out and I make weird noises, sing songs, and do funny dances to make him laugh.
8. I was once in a five year relationship with someone, but we grew up and became friends.
9. My close friends think I’m weird…but in a good way.
10. I work in an art gallery, but refuse to ever show my work in an art gallery.
11. I continually work my ass off, save money, and spend it all on traveling usually out of the country. It’s an expensive addiction.
12. One time I did a wine bong…and it was disgusting. Really bad idea.
13. I really like rain and thunder.
14. I cut jewelry and interesting patterns out of magazines, organize them, and make collages with them.
15. My favorite thing in the world is to chill in late night coffee shops. Sometimes even alone.
16. Enjoy deep conversations about anything.
17. I count how many paces it takes in between sections of the sidewalk.
18. I never take off my watch, ever. Even now when it’s been dead for like 2 months and set at 5min till 5.
19. I can’t sleep if my feet are cold.
20. I believe in God, but not sure what I believe, if that makes sense.
21. I’m constantly wondering how things are made. I get this weird zoned out look on my face. Try is sometime, its craaazy.
22. I’m really gullible and easily confused.
23. I cuddle with my black lab Maggy. She knows me as mama.
24. Have no idea what I want to do with my life. I’ve considered many options from living a normal life to joining the Peace Corps.
25. I analyze things to the point that I confuse myself.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

first blog

constantly going about my day, going through the motions. have a great job, amazing fam, but still on the pursuit of happiness. Uncontrolled desire to travel somewhere today.